X-Wing Grand Tournament Münster 2024

November 9, 2024
Event #6275
Sun Fac
Ensnare, Predator, Afterburners
General Grievous
Impervium Plating, Soulless One
Bombardment Drone
Proximity Mines, Independent Calculations, Landing Struts
Bombardment Drone
Proximity Mines, Independent Calculations, Landing Struts
Bombardment Drone
Proximity Mines, Independent Calculations, Landing Struts
Independent Calculations, Grappling Struts
#1: Corentin "OveR2"
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Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
Ruthless, Fifth Brother
Lieutenant Sai
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
#2: Jonas "PiQachu"
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Poe Dameron (HoH)
Predator, Heroic, R4 Astromech, Integrated S-Foils
Zizi Tlo
Predator, Heroic, Proton Rockets
Zorii Bliss
Dorsal Turret, R4 Astromech, Wartime Loadout, Plasma Torpedoes
Compassion, Heroic, Rose Tico, Finn, Rey's Millennium Falcon
#3: Loan "Rekans"
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Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, The Child, The Mandalorian, Greedo, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Cad Bane
Deadeye Shot, Synced Laser Cannons, Delayed Fuses, Xanadu Blood, Thermal Detonators
Fenn Rau
Clan Training, Fearless, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Advanced Sensors
#4: Florian "Der_Mandaflorianer"
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Gina Moonsong
Fire-Control System, Proton Cannons, Stabilized S-Foils
Ten Numb
Proton Cannons, Stabilized S-Foils
Arvel Crynyd
"Pops" Krail
Deadeye Shot, Dorsal Turret
Dorsal Turret, Magva Yarro, "Zeb" Orrelios, Tactical Scrambler
#5: Alex "Doc-Alex"
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Jan Ors
Moldy Crow
Lieutenant Blount
Marksmanship, Hull Upgrade
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Hopeful, Predator
Arvel Crynyd
Sabine Wren (A-Wing)
"Zeb" Orrelios
Ion Cannon Turret, Phantom
#6: Ilias "Illy08"
View in YASB
Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, The Child, The Mandalorian, Greedo, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Captain Nym
Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner, Bomblet Generator, Havoc, Fire-Control System, R3 Astromech
Sol Sixxa
Dorsal Turret, Cad Bane, Veteran Turret Gunner, Conner Nets, Concussion Bombs, Delayed Fuses
Torani Kulda
Saturation Salvo, Cluster Missiles, R3 Astromech, Contraband Cybernetics, Munitions Failsafe
#7: Max "Khain90"
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Lieutenant Karsabi
Composure, Diamond-Boron Missiles, Advanced SLAM, Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
Trajectory Simulator, Skilled Bombardier, Seismic Charges, Proton Bombs, Ablative Plating
Captain Jonus (SSP)
Feedback Ping, Plasma Torpedoes, Proton Bombs
Tomax Bren (SSP)
Elusive, Barrage Rockets, Proximity Mines
Major Rhymer
Feedback Ping, Cluster Missiles, Seismic Charges
#8: Ákos "Czimbora"
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Braylen Stramm (BoE)
It's A Trap! (BoE), Homing Missiles, Proton Bombs, Delayed Fuses
Gina Moonsong
Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Stabilized S-Foils
Adon Fox (BoE)
It's A Trap! (BoE), Parting Gift (BoE), Proton Rockets, Proton Bombs
Deadeye Shot, Veteran Tail Gunner
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Deadeye Shot, Predator
#9: Lukas "Luque196"
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Juno Eclipse
Composure, Fire-Control System, Proton Rockets
Colonel Jendon
Imperial Super Commandos, Targeting Computer, ST-321
Lieutenant Karsabi
Deadeye Shot, Barrage Rockets, Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
Nu Squadron Pilot
Passive Sensors, Os-1 Arsenal Loadout, Proton Torpedoes
Nu Squadron Pilot
Passive Sensors, Os-1 Arsenal Loadout, Proton Torpedoes
#10: Sebastian "Laminidas"
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Ten Numb
Heavy Laser Cannon, Stabilized S-Foils
Luke Skywalker
Compassion, Hopeful, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Wedge Antilles
Outmaneuver, Marksmanship, Servomotor S-Foils
Alexsandr Kallus
Hopeful, Magva Yarro, Chewbacca, "Chopper" (Crew)
#11: Kolja "Bolofar"
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Lieutenant Sai
Magna Tolvan
Squad Leader, Ion Cannon
Juno Eclipse
Ruthless, Fire-Control System, Proton Rockets
Maarek Stele
Marksmanship, Enduring, Fire-Control System
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
#12: Johannes "han248"
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Ahsoka Tano
Patience, R4-P Astromech, Calibrated Laser Targeting
212th Battalion Pilot
Korkie Kryze
Luminara Unduli
Patience, R4-P17, Calibrated Laser Targeting
Padmé Amidala
Juke, Passive Sensors, Plasma Torpedoes, R4-P Astromech
"Axe" (SoC)
Deadeye Shot, Barrage Rockets
#13: Niels "Inaldra"
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Notorious, Greedo, Contraband Cybernetics, Punishing One, R5-P8
Leema Kai
Dorsal Turret, Plasma Torpedoes, Proximity Mines
N'dru Suhlak
Lone Wolf, Barrage Rockets
Mining Guild Surveyor
#14: Rafael "Rafaroo"
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Han Solo (Scum)
IG-88D, Seasoned Navigator, Greedo, Engine Upgrade, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Deadeye Shot, Advanced Sensors, Ion Cannon, IG-2000
Marksmanship, Advanced Sensors, Ion Cannon, IG-2000
Mining Guild Surveyor
Autopilot Drone
#15: Bülent "berlin_topgun"
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Darth Vader
Brilliant Evasion, Debris Gambit, Pattern Analyzer, Fire-Control System
Captain Kagi
Emperor Palpatine, ST-321
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
Fifth Brother
#16: Manish "Tharlin"
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Lone Wolf, Trick Shot
Proud Tradition, Pattern Analyzer, Special Forces Gunner
Proud Tradition, Ion Cannon
"Scorch" (TIE/Se Bomber)
Ion Missiles, Bomblet Generator
Jul Jerjerrod
Feedback Ping, Ion Missiles, Bomblet Generator
Agent Terex
Proud Tradition, Automated Target Priority, Contraband Cybernetics
#17: Daniel "surfing_fin"
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Airen Cracken
Fire-Control System, Homing Torpedoes
Corran Horn (X-Wing)
Cluster Missiles, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Hera Syndulla (VCX-100)
Hopeful, Dorsal Turret, Saw Gerrera, Magva Yarro, Veteran Turret Gunner, Ghost
"Zeb" Orrelios
Ion Cannon Turret, Phantom
Ezra Bridger (TIE Fighter)
Brilliant Evasion, Leia Organa, Precision Ion Engines
#18: Andreas "Linceak"
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Cad Bane (Separatist)
Proton Cannons, Engine Upgrade, Xanadu Blood, DRK-1 Probe Droids
General Grievous
Impervium Plating, Soulless One
Geonosian Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Kraken, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Geonosian Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Synced Laser Cannons, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
Haor Chall Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
Haor Chall Prototype
Energy-Shell Charges, Grappling Struts
#19: Sören "Kleiner_Fehler"
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Asajj Ventress
Hate, Notorious, Latts Razzi, False Transponder Codes, Ablative Plating
Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, Lando Calrissian (Scum), IG-88D, Engine Upgrade, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Doctor Aphra
0-0-0, The Child, BT-1, Contraband Cybernetics, Tactical Scrambler, Ablative Plating
Mining Guild Surveyor
#20: David "anba"
View in YASB
Kylo Ren
Malice, Elusive
Predator, Proud Tradition, Ion Cannon, Sensor Scramblers, Enhanced Jamming Suite
Agent Terex
Tactical Officer, Contraband Cybernetics
Squad Leader, Fanatical, Biohexacrypt Codes
#21: István "TakIstvan"
View in YASB
Lieutenant Sai
Fifth Brother
Brilliant Evasion, Ruthless, Homing Missiles
Seventh Sister
Brilliant Evasion, Concussion Missiles
Juno Eclipse
Ruthless, Fire-Control System, Proton Rockets
Flight Leader Ubbel
Synced Laser Cannons, Ablative Plating, Target-Assist MGK-300
#22: Andreas "anbalda"
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Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, The Child, The Mandalorian, Greedo, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Captain Nym
Trick Shot, Dorsal Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner, Bomblet Generator, Ablative Plating, Havoc, Fire-Control System, "Genius"
Leema Kai
Dorsal Turret, Plasma Torpedoes, R3 Astromech, Ion Bombs
Proton Cannons, Contraband Cybernetics
Mining Guild Surveyor
#23: Martin "GreenViper"
View in YASB
Magna Tolvan
Squad Leader, Ion Cannon
Maus Monare (BoE)
No Escape (BoE), Outmaneuver, Fuel Injection Override (BoE)
Major Vynder
Marksmanship, Advanced SLAM, Xg-1 Assault Configuration, Autoblasters
Captain Feroph
Composure, Tactical Officer, Targeting Computer
Second Sister
Malice, Marksmanship, Hull Upgrade
#24: Lutz "Hitpoint"
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Saw Gerrera, Contraband Cybernetics, Outrider
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
It's A Trap! (BoE), Predator, R2-A3 (BoE), Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Sabine Wren (A-Wing)
Clan Training, Mandalorian Optics, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
"Pops" Krail (BoY)
Ion Cannon Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, R4 Astromech
#25: Joachim "nemik"
View in YASB
Arvel Crynyd
Derek Klivian
Hopeful, Proton Rockets
Shara Bey (A-Wing)
Hopeful, Proton Rockets
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Lone Wolf, Hopeful
Jake Farrell
Composure, Hopeful, Proton Rockets
Hera Syndulla (A-Wing)
Squad Leader
#26: Jannis "Dr_Fridge"
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Major Vonreg
Daredevil, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Proud Tradition, Proton Torpedoes
Agent Terex
Overtuned Modulators, Contraband Cybernetics
Fanatical, Deuterium Power Cells, Special Forces Gunner, Fire-Control System
#27: Peter "Mighty"
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Obsidian Squadron Pilot
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
newrecruit, lockedturretspecialist, heavyreinforcedvanguard
Darth Vader
Brilliant Evasion, Hate, Debris Gambit, Fire-Control System
#28: Marcello "Maschi"
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Ketsu Onyo
Fearless, 0-0-0, Contraband Cybernetics, Shadow Caster
Advanced Sensors
Protectorate Gleb, Moldy Crow
Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, The Child, The Mandalorian, Greedo, Lando's Millennium Falcon
#29: Benjamin "Lefty"
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Darth Vader
Brilliant Evasion, Fire-Control System, Afterburners
Fifth Brother, Targeting Computer
Tomax Bren (TBE)
True Grit (TBE), Plasma Torpedoes, Ion Bombs
Lieutenant Karsabi
Ruthless, Barrage Rockets, Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
#30: Fabian "Celtic_"
View in YASB
Swarm Tactics, Dorsal Turret, R5-TK
Cad Bane
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Contraband Cybernetics, Xanadu Blood, Seismic Charges
Doctor Aphra
0-0-0, Perceptive Copilot, BT-1, Hotshot Tail Blaster, Contraband Cybernetics, Electronic Baffle
Mining Guild Surveyor
Nom Lumb (Rogue)
Predator, Heavy Laser Cannon, Contraband Cybernetics
#31: Alexander "Druid"
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Wilhuff Tarkin
Deadeye Shot, Ion Missiles, R3 Astromech, Synchronized Console, Alpha-3E "Esk"
Synchronized Console, Concussion Missiles
Shaak Ti
Brilliant Evasion, Predator, Synchronized Console
Deadeye Shot, Synchronized Console, Plasma Torpedoes
"Odd Ball" (V-wing)
Plasma Torpedoes, Synchronized Console, Alpha-3E "Esk"
Ric Olié
Juke, Daredevil, Q7 Astromech
#32: Martin "HenryFaber"
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Scimitar 3 (BoE)
No Escape (BoE), Parting Gift (BoE), Proton Torpedoes, Proton Bombs
Captain Yorr (BoE)
No Escape (BoE), Predator, Ion Cannon, Computer-Assisted Handling (BoE)
Fifth Brother
Malice, Elusive
Captain Kagi
Emperor Palpatine, ST-321
#33: Akos "akoskk"
View in YASB
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
Fifth Brother, Targeting Computer
Lieutenant Sai
Darth Vader
Brilliant Evasion, Fire-Control System, Afterburners
#34: Sascha "Loken5888"
View in YASB
Bodhi Rook
Fire-Control System, Hera Syndulla, Pivot Wing
Esege Tuketu
Perceptive Copilot, Advanced SLAM
Arvel Crynyd
Benthic Two Tubes
Fire-Control System, Perceptive Copilot, Magva Yarro, Ablative Plating, Pivot Wing
Garven Dreis (X-Wing)
Ion Torpedoes, Munitions Failsafe, Servomotor S-Foils
#35: Leo "Earl"
View in YASB
Dash Rendar
Expert Handling, Proton Rockets, Perceptive Copilot, Rigged Cargo Chute, Munitions Failsafe
Wedge Antilles
Marksmanship, Deadeye Shot, Ion Torpedoes, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Han Solo
Composure, Chewbacca, Engine Upgrade, Ablative Plating, Millennium Falcon
#36: Björn "Vanitas"
View in YASB
Flight Leader Ubbel
Ion Limiter Override, Synced Laser Cannons, Target-Assist MGK-300
Tomax Bren (TBE)
True Grit (TBE), Plasma Torpedoes, Ion Bombs
Maarek Stele
Marksmanship, Elusive, Fire-Control System
"Mauler" Mithel
Elusive, Heavy Laser Cannon
Juke, Tiber Saxon
#37: Timo "Coryn"
View in YASB
Han Solo
Hopeful, Cluster Missiles, Hotshot Tail Blaster, Millennium Falcon
Norra Wexley (Y-Wing)
Expert Handling, Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner, Watchful Astromech, Ion Bombs, Spare Parts Canisters
Thane Kyrell
Proton Rockets, Servomotor S-Foils
Corran Horn (X-Wing)
Cluster Missiles, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
#38: Patrick "Evan"
View in YASB
Han Solo (Scum)
Maul (Mandalore), Veteran Turret Gunner, Lando's Millennium Falcon
The Mandalorian
Squad Leader, Ahsoka Tano (Crew), Suppressive Gunner, Hotshot Tail Blaster, Ablative Plating, Razor Crest
Kad Solus
Elusive, Mandalorian Optics
Cad Bane
Fearless, Synced Laser Cannons, Xanadu Blood, Seismic Charges
#39: Richard "JKRicsi"
View in YASB
Rexler Brath
Juke, Proton Rockets
"Mauler" Mithel
Marksmanship, Autoblasters
Lieutenant Sai
Delta Squadron Pilot
Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon
#40: Chloé "Skizaat"
View in YASB
Sun Fac
Gravitic Deflection, Enduring, Ensnare, Targeting Computer
General Grievous
Impervium Plating, Soulless One
Durge (Separatist)
Deadeye Shot, Heavy Laser Cannon
Darth Maul
Instinctive Aim, Heavy Laser Cannon, Plasma Torpedoes, GNK "Gonk" Droid, Scimitar
#41: Jörn "Charge99"
View in YASB
Darth Vader
Malice, Ruthless, Pattern Analyzer, Fire-Control System
Fifth Brother, Targeting Computer
Trajectory Simulator, Ion Missiles, Seismic Charges, Proton Bombs, Delayed Fuses
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
#42: Kobe "CobiOne"
View in YASB
Swarm Tactics, Dorsal Turret
Marksmanship, Deadeye Shot, Proton Cannons
Cad Bane
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Proton Rockets, Xanadu Blood
Mining Guild Surveyor
Doctor Aphra
0-0-0, Perceptive Copilot, BT-1, Hotshot Tail Blaster, Contraband Cybernetics, Electronic Baffle
#43: Thomas "Banjo"
View in YASB
Major Vonreg
Elusive, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Kylo Ren
Malice, Debris Gambit, Sensor Scramblers
Agent Terex
Biohexacrypt Codes, Captain Phasma
Lieutenant Rivas
Intimidation, Targeting Synchronizer
#44: Erwan "Malan"
View in YASB
Anakin Skywalker
Shattering Shot, Predator, R2-A6, Calibrated Laser Targeting
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Compassion, Predator, R7-A7, Calibrated Laser Targeting
Plo Koon
Predator, Calibrated Laser Targeting
Korkie Kryze, Seventh Fleet Gunner
#45: Cyril "Eclispsia"
View in YASB
Boba Fett
Fearless, Jamming Beam, Contraband Cybernetics, Marauder, Veteran Tail Gunner
Kath Scarlet
Seismic Charges, Contraband Cybernetics, Slave I (Separatist)
Bounty Hunter
Veteran Tail Gunner, Proximity Mines, Contraband Cybernetics
#46: Steffen "White_Templer"
View in YASB
Predator, Fanatical, Advanced Optics, Special Forces Gunner, Electronic Baffle
Predator, Lone Wolf
Fanatical, Electronic Baffle
Commander Malarus
Fanatical, Mag-Pulse Warheads, Shield Upgrade
Fanatical, Advanced Optics, Special Forces Gunner
#47: Jonathan "Darth_Johnny"
View in YASB
Corran Horn
Hopeful, Advanced Optics, R3 Astromech
Hera Syndulla (A-Wing)
Elusive, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Thane Kyrell
Debris Gambit, R4 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Arvel Crynyd
Intimidation, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Bodhi Rook
Tactical Officer, "Chopper" (Crew), Ablative Plating, Pivot Wing
#48: Balazs "balazskk"
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Soontir Fel (BoE)
Apex Predator (BoE), No Escape (BoE), Blank Signature (BoE), Feedback Emitter (BoE)
Juke, Targeting Computer
Maarek Stele
Fire-Control System, Proton Rockets
Emperor Palpatine
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
#49: Kevin "Backfire84"
View in YASB
Lieutenant Sai
Juke, Fire-Control System, Targeting Computer
Darth Vader
Malice, Ruthless, Pattern Analyzer, Fire-Control System
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
Academy Pilot
Targeting Computer
#50: Michael "Wolfcastle"
View in YASB
Captain Nym
Skilled Bombardier, Concussion Bombs, Angled Deflectors, Havoc, Trajectory Simulator, "Genius"
Leema Kai
Dorsal Turret, Homing Torpedoes, Concussion Missiles, Seismic Charges
Constable Zuvio
Proximity Mines, Cloaking Device, Afterburners
Cad Bane
Proton Cannons, Babu Frik, Xanadu Blood, Seismic Charges
N'dru Suhlak
Lone Wolf, Barrage Rockets
#51: Christian "Darth_Zero"
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Anakin Skywalker (Y-Wing)
Ion Cannon Turret, Plasma Torpedoes, Weapons Systems Officer, R4 Astromech, Thermal Detonators
"Odd Ball" (V-wing)
Plasma Torpedoes, Synchronized Console, Alpha-3E "Esk"
Ric Olié
Juke, Daredevil
Padmé Amidala
Elusive, Fire-Control System, Proton Torpedoes, R4 Astromech
Wilhuff Tarkin
Cluster Missiles, Synchronized Console, Alpha-3B "Besh"
#52: Elias "Mordread_IV"
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