Pax Unplugged 2024 X-Wing GT

December 7, 2024
Event #6536
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Clan Training, Swarm Tactics
Keo Venzee
Vectored Cannons (RZ-1), Juke
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
#1: pheaver
View in YASB
Colonel Jendon (BoE)
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Captain Feroph
Ruthless, Tactical Officer, Targeting Computer
Scythe 6 (BoE)
#2: duncan_howard
View in LBN
Thermal Detonators, Alpha-3B "Besh", R4 Astromech, Dedicated
"Odd Ball" (V-wing)
Concussion Bombs, Alpha-3B "Besh", Q7 Astromech, Dedicated
Ion Bombs, Alpha-3B "Besh", R3 Astromech
Concussion Bombs, Ion Cannon Turret
Proton Bombs, Ion Cannon Turret
Ahsoka Tano (Delta-7b)
Spare Parts Canisters, R4-P17, Heightened Perception
#4: stephen_weiland
View in YASB
Leema Kai
R4-B11, Plasma Torpedoes
Cad Bane
Latts Razzi, Xanadu Blood, Contraband Cybernetics, Proton Cannons, Marksmanship
Bossk (Z-95 Headhunter)
Marksmanship, Expert Handling
Doctor Aphra
Hound's Tooth, Deadman's Switch, Babu Frik, Dengar, 0-0-0, Lando Calrissian (Scum)
R5-P8, Punishing One, Contraband Cybernetics, Gar Saxon (Gunner), Expert Handling
#4: asmerrill
View in YASB
Leema Kai
Proton Rockets
Cad Bane
Xanadu Blood, Proton Rockets, Cutthroat, Contraband Cybernetics
Proton Cannons, Contraband Cybernetics, Fearless
The Mandalorian
Razor Crest, The Child, Fearless
Marg Sabl Closure, Ion Cannon
#5: ted_t
View in LBN
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Predator
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Keo Venzee
Vectored Cannons (RZ-1), Juke
#6: bfreeman
View in YASB
Commander Malarus
Mag-Pulse Warheads
Fanatical, Proud Tradition, Targeting Synchronizer
Kylo Ren (TIE Whisper)
Enhanced Jamming Suite, Instinctive Aim, Proud Tradition, Advanced Optics, Concussion Missiles
Lieutenant LeHuse
Marksmanship, Special Forces Gunner, Barrage Rockets
Special Forces Gunner, Deuterium Power Cells, Fanatical, Proud Tradition, Fire-Control System
#7: bryon_otryin
View in LBN
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Gina Moonsong (BoE)
Braylen Stramm (BoE)
#8: ted_wade
View in LBN
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Predator, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
Lone Wolf, Ion Missiles
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
#9: Nick Sperry
View in YASB
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Corran Horn (X-Wing)
Servomotor S-Foils, R3 Astromech, Mag-Pulse Warheads, Hopeful
Jek Porkins (BoY)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes, R5-D8 (BoY), Unstable Sublight Engines (BoY)
Garven Dreis (BoY)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes, R5-K6 (BoY)
Hol Okand (BoY)
Dorsal Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Precise Astromech (BoY)
#10: lumberchuk
View in YASB
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
#11: Larry Turnbull
View in YASB
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Predator, Trick Shot
#12: capt_mathee
View in LBN
Corus Kapellim
Wartime Loadout, Concussion Bombs, Dorsal Turret
Shasa Zaro
Wartime Loadout, Delayed Fuses, Concussion Bombs, Dorsal Turret
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-Foils, R6-D8, Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic
Ello Asty
Integrated S-Foils, Ferrosphere Paint, Marksmanship
Poe Dameron (HoH)
Plasma Torpedoes, Integrated S-Foils, Overdrive Thruster, R4 Astromech, Ferrosphere Paint, Marksmanship, Heroic
#13: themayor_jbark
View in YASB
Darth Vader (BoY)
Marksmanship, Hate, Afterburners
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
#14: Doug Applegate
View in YASB
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Fifth Brother
Homing Missiles, Instinctive Aim
#15: Doug Howe
View in YASB
Poe Dameron (HoH)
Heavy Laser Cannon, Integrated S-Foils, Overdrive Thruster, R4 Astromech, Ferrosphere Paint, Marksmanship, Heroic
Ello Asty
Integrated S-Foils, Predator, Marksmanship
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-Foils, R6-D8, Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic
Shasa Zaro
Wartime Loadout, Proton Bombs, Dorsal Turret
Corus Kapellim
Wartime Loadout, Concussion Bombs, Dorsal Turret
#16: exace
View in YASB
Bodica Venj
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Elusive
Ahsoka Tano (A-Wing)
Concussion Missiles, Instinctive Aim
Lando Calrissian (BoE)
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
#17: velvet_buddah
View in YASB
Chewbacca (Resistance)
C-3PO (Resistance), Rey, Rey's Millennium Falcon
Poe Dameron (HoH)
Heroic, BB-8, Munitions Failsafe, Integrated S-Foils, Proton Torpedoes
Temmin Wexley
Lone Wolf, BB Astromech, Electronic Baffle, Integrated S-Foils
Kare Kun
Heroic, M9-G8, Integrated S-Foils
#18: Bob Howe
View in YASB
Lin Gaava
Pattern Analyzer, Proud Tradition, Fanatical
Kylo Ren (TIE Whisper)
Enhanced Jamming Suite, Pattern Analyzer, Concussion Missiles, Proud Tradition, Instinctive Aim
Lieutenant LeHuse
Special Forces Gunner, Barrage Rockets, Marksmanship
Fire-Control System, Special Forces Gunner, Pattern Analyzer, Predator, Ion Limiter Override
Pattern Analyzer, Fanatical
#19: crunchychewie
View in YASB
Jarek Yeager
Marksmanship, Heroic, M9-G8, Targeting Computer, Kaz's Fireball
Ello Asty
BB-8, Integrated S-Foils
Temmin Wexley
Heroic, Ferrosphere Paint, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils
Chewbacca (Resistance)
Leia Organa (Resistance), Agile Gunner, Engine Upgrade, Rey's Millennium Falcon
Merl Cobben
Marksmanship, Ferrosphere Paint
#20: Chris Jenner
View in YASB
Darth Maul
Malice, Hate, Plasma Torpedoes, Scimitar
General Grievous
Outmaneuver, Impervium Plating, Soulless One
Durge (Separatist)
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Xanadu Blood, Proton Bombs
Sun Fac
Gravitic Deflection, Marksmanship, Ensnare
#21: matt_t
View in YASB
Fenn Rau
Fearless, Predator, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Dace Bonearm
Moldy Crow, Lando Calrissian (Scum), Shield Upgrade
Old Teroch
Fearless, Marksmanship, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Bossk (Z-95 Headhunter)
Marksmanship, Expert Handling
Ion Cannon, Marg Sabl Closure
#22: Maurice Valenzuela
View in LBN
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Soontir Fel (BoE)
Tomax Bren
Barrage Rockets, Ruthless
"Deathfire" (TBE)
Swift Approach (TBE), Conner Nets, Proton Bombs
Lieutenant Lorrir
Targeting Computer, Lone Wolf
#23: chris_appel
View in YASB
Captain Feroph
Targeting Computer, Tactical Officer, Ruthless
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
#24: dr_moneypants
View in YASB
Ion Bombs, Ion Cannon Turret
"Odd Ball" (ARC-170)
R4-P Astromech, Veteran Tail Gunner
R4-P Astromech, Veteran Tail Gunner, Expert Handling
C-3PO (Republic), Novice Technician, Multi-Missile Pods
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
#25: hoag_leader
View in YASB
Colonel Jendon (BoE)
Soontir Fel (BoE)
"Deathfire" (TBE)
Swift Approach (TBE), Conner Nets, Proton Bombs
#26: Tyler Tippett
View in YASB
Ello Asty
Integrated S-Foils, Predator, Marksmanship
Venisa Doza
Integrated S-Foils, Barrage Rockets, Marksmanship
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-Foils, R6-D8, Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic
Jessika Pava
Integrated S-Foils, R2-D2 (Resistance)
L'ulo L'ampar
Shield Upgrade, Heroic
#27: sampage
View in YASB
Gina Moonsong
Marksmanship, Heavy Laser Cannon, Plasma Torpedoes, Stabilized S-Foils
Hera Syndulla (B-Wing)
Heavy Laser Cannon, Cluster Missiles, Proton Bombs, Stabilized S-Foils
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Predator, Marksmanship, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Horton Salm
Ion Cannon Turret, R4 Astromech
Evaan Verlaine
Predator, Ion Cannon Turret
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
#28: gforce
View in YASB
Marksmanship, Tiber Saxon
Maarek Stele
Swarm Tactics, Predator, Fire-Control System
Emperor Palpatine
Tomax Bren (TBE)
True Grit (TBE), Plasma Torpedoes, Ion Bombs
Scimitar 1 (BoE)
#29: crutones_alan
View in LBN
"Dutch" Vander
Proton Torpedoes
Tycho Celchu (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Lando Calrissian
Perceptive Copilot, Nien Nunb, Bistan
#30: d_fowl
View in YASB
Latts Razzi
False Transponder Codes, The Child, The Mandalorian, Notorious
Doctor Aphra
Hound's Tooth, Contraband Cybernetics, Han Solo (Scum), Unkar Plutt, Rook Kast
Boba Fett
Veteran Tail Gunner, Marauder, False Transponder Codes, Thermal Detonators, Fearless
#31: talonbane
View in YASB
Braylen Stramm (BoE)
Gina Moonsong (BoE)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Lieutenant Blount
Predator, Shield Upgrade
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
#32: jklst
View in YASB
Nien Nunb
Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, Mag-Pulse Warheads, BB-8, Integrated S-Foils, Jamming Beam
Ello Asty
Heroic, R4 Astromech, Integrated S-Foils
Temmin Wexley
R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
Jarek Yeager
Marksmanship, Cluster Missiles, Overtuned Modulators, Targeting Computer, Kaz's Fireball
L'ulo L'ampar
Heroic, Shield Upgrade
#33: josh_taylor
View in YASB
Gina Moonsong (BoE)
Braylen Stramm (BoE)
Keo Venzee
Vectored Cannons (RZ-1), Juke
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
#34: diogenes
View in LBN
Colonel Jendon (BoE)
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Tomax Bren
Barrage Rockets, Ruthless
Captain Feroph
Electronic Baffle, Tactical Officer
#35: Bryan Davis
View in YASB
Venisa Doza
Integrated S-Foils, Cluster Missiles, Ferrosphere Paint
Zorii Bliss
Wartime Loadout, Plasma Torpedoes, R4 Astromech
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon, R6-D8
Zay Versio
Integrated S-Foils, Heroic, Heavy Laser Cannon
Kare Kun
Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon, Underslung Blaster Cannon, Deadeye Shot
#36: alex_w
View in LBN
Emon Azzameen
Elusive, L3-37, Proton Bombs, Seismic Charges, Delayed Fuses, Andrasta
Laetin A'shera
Munitions Failsafe, Proton Rockets
Cad Bane
Heavy Laser Cannon, Engine Upgrade, Xanadu Blood, Proton Bombs
Fenn Rau
Fearless, Lone Wolf, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
#37: roadkill_gann
View in YASB
Gina Moonsong (BoE)
Braylen Stramm (BoE)
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Wedge Antilles (BoE)
Keo Venzee
#38: Paul Aglialoro
View in LBN
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Emperor Palpatine
#39: kkentium
View in YASB
Poe Dameron (YT-1300)
Rey's Millennium Falcon, Engine Upgrade, Contraband Cybernetics, Rey, Korr Sella, Lone Wolf
Zizi Tlo
Cluster Missiles, Marksmanship, Heroic
Tallissan Lintra
Ferrosphere Paint, Heroic, Crack Shot, Predator
Cova Nell
Electronic Baffle, R4 Astromech, Leia Organa (Resistance), Heroic
#40: sojourner
View in YASB